Macintosh OSX:
Installing Microsoft Office 2011 from the MCA
This is intended for UVM Faculty and Staff and and for Grad Students holding a SALARIED teaching, research, or training assistantships. For faculty and staff, this software may only be used on UVM owned machines. For Grad Students, the Graduate College has licensed this software for use on your personally-owned computers during your time as students at UVM.
Graduate students unsure of their eligibility should contact Kathleen Merchant 656-3017.
The first step to installing Microsoft Office 2011 on your UVM owned Mac is to connect to the MCA server. To do this you will want to click on a blank space on your desktop, then click the “Go” menu.
From the Go menu, select “Connect to Server“.
A box will appear, you will need to type in the correct path to get the to MCA folder.
The path is: cifs://
(As seen in the image below)
After entering the path, click the “Connect” button.
You will be asked to login. Login using your UVM credentials. (Same username and password you use to get into your UVM email)
When you have successfully logged in you will see two folders. Windows, and Macintosh. Double click the “Macintosh” folder.
Double-click the “Office2011” folder. Then DRAG THE “Office_Mac_Standard_2011_English.ISO” file TO YOUR DESK TOP. Double-click the file on your desktop to start the installation. NOTE: You may install the files over the network, but copying the installer to the desktop is generally a more reliable way to install the software. Once you complete the installation, put the “Office_Mac_Standard_2011_English.ISO” file in your trash and empty the trash.
An installer window will appear. Double-click the “Office Installer” icon.
At this point in the installation process you should be able to follow the On-Screen prompts to complete the install.
However, if you prefer, screen shots are available below for reference.
A message window will pop up. Click “Continue”
Software License Agreement, Click “Continue”
Microsoft Software License Agreement… Click “Agree”
Click the “Agree” button to agree with the Software License terms and continue with the installation.
Standard Install on “Disk” (your disk name will be the name of your hard drive)… Click the “Continue” button.
You will be asked for your administrator password. This is your computer password.
The installer will begin to run.
A window will appear suggesting that you close any other applications you may have running in the background.
Close the applications it mentions (firefox in my case), then click the “Continue Installation” button.
The software has been successfully installed. Click the “Close” button.
You should see the Office 2011 icons in your dock.
The software will ask you to search for and install for updates. This is recommended. It will look like this:
Once you click “Install” you will see this screen.
Click “Continue” and you will see this screen.
Click “Agree” and you will be asked to select a destination drive. Choose the drive that looks like the one highlighted in this picture.
It will tell you how much space this will take on the drive. If you don’t have enough space please delete some things, then click “Install”
The next screen should be the installation successful screen. Press “Close” and you have successfully installed and updated Microsoft Office 2011.