Microsoft Office for Windows:
Installing Microsoft Office (2010) from the MCA
This is intended for UVM Faculty and Staff and and for Grad Students holding a SALARIED teaching, research, or training assistantships. For faculty and staff, this software may only be used on UVM owned machines. For Grad Students, the Graduate College has licensed this software for use on your personally-owned computers during your time as students at UVM.
Graduate students unsure of their eligibility should contact Kathleen Merchant 656-3017.
The first question you need to ask before installing Office 2010 on a Windows computer is: which “System Type” are you running?
There are two system types, 32bit and 64bit.
If you are unsure about which system type your computer is running you can look it up by doing the following….
Click the Start button, right-mouse-click on “Computer“, then click “Properties”
A window similar to the image below will appear.
As you can see, the machine we are using in our example is running a 64bit operating system.
Make a mental note of which system type your computer is running.
Now that you have determined your machine’s system type you can make your way to the MCA folder. To do this, click the Start button,
in the search field type the path to get to the MCA folder:
then press Enter.
You may be asked to login if you computer is not joined to Active Directory.
If you are presented with a login window you will need to use your netid and password (same username and password you use to login to your UVM email).
My NetID is tsbartle
The correct way for me to login to the MCA would be:
username: campustsbartle
password: ***************
you must use “campus” before your NetID to successfully log in.
After you have successfully logged in you will see two folders, “Macintosh” and “Windows“. You will want to double-click
the Windows folder.
You will see multiple folders, you will need to locate the correct Office 2010 folder depending on your System Type.
NOTE** there are two versions of Office 2010, 32bit and 64bit. Choose the correct folder for your system type UNLESS you know that your department or lab uses software that will only work with the standard 32 bit version of MS Office. The 32 bit version works on ANY system type, and should be selected if you are not sure that there may be compatibility issues with your applications.
In this example we are using the: “Office2010_ProPlus_64bit“ because our computer is running a 64bit operating system and ETS has no applications that are not compatible with the 64 bit version of Office.
Double-click the folder you wish to use.
Now that you are inside the “Office2010_ProPlus_xxbit” folder, you will want to scroll all the way to the bottom of the
folder and locate the “setup.exe“file.
When you have located the setup.exe file, double-click it to start the installation.
NOTE** a warning window may appear, click “Yes” to continue with the installation.
The installation will begin, you will see a window similar to the image below.
When the installation has completed, the Installation Progress window will disappear.
Click Start then look for the Microsoft Office folder. If the installation completed successfully, your screen should look
similar to the image below.
When you open Word or Powerpoint etc… for the first time, you will be asked to set up Automatic Updates for the
Office Software suite.
Select Use Recommended Settings, then click OK
You have successfully installed MS Office 2010.